Saturday, June 28, 2008

Poem: A Little Colder Today

it feels a little colder today?
hey, you know, winter is on it's way,
and it'll cool your heel and give you time
to calm your heart and ease your mind.

you look a little older today?
your skin has wrinkled, your hair is gray,
and you've begun to realize you're running out of time
memory by memory you are losing your mind.

you're trying to act bolder today?
for some reason you want to go play,
and you're feeling adventurous but just don't have the time
you wonder if you will ever have peace of mind.

feeling a little colder today?
looking 'round there's nothing left to say,
and as the shadows consume what's left of your heart you wish you had more time
happiness gone Love but a whisper you realize you've lost your mind.

© ZephyrAnjoyo 2010

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