Friday, October 30, 2009

Poem: Infatuation/Rejection

Your beautiful face shines warmly upon my day.
Your smile flashes ever so slightly.
Your happiness is an aura that affects all around you.
Your voice tenderly kisses my world.
Your soft eyes lull me into dream.

Your rejection shatters me.

Your cold eyes chill my soul.
Your words are pain.
You semblance is that of darkness.
Your smile burns my heart to ash.
Your beautiful face turns away forever.

© ZephyrAnjoyo 2010

Friday, September 25, 2009

Song: The Night Has Come

the outside warm from sun
but here we'll stay till darkness comes
for as we stare the cloudless sky
blinds our face burns our eyes

the night has come we dance we play
the world is ours till break of day
the shadows come to guide our way
white as ice cold as clay

we long for warmth we long for blood
liquid life to sate our lust
we sense it now the living scent
we drink our fill to hearts content
we look towards the rising sun
the first few blades of morning come
return inside to hide away
till blackness comes to veil the day

the night has come we dance we play
the world is ours till break of day
the shadows come to guide our way
white as ice cold as clay

the night has come we dance we play
the world is ours till break of day

the night has come we dance we play
the world is ours till break of day

© ZephyrAnjoyo 2010

Update: The Music Has Vanished!

As you can see I have removed the music from this blog. I may add music later, but for now, I feel silence or music of your own choice is a better atmosphere. Have a nice day! :D

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Song: Explosions of Color and Light

explosions of colors and light (x4)
the grass in the fields are deep green
the blood on the grass is deep red
the battlefield shivers like ice
it's filled with the hopeless and dead
explosions of colors and light (x4)
a soldier falls down in the field
the shrapnel has ripped him to shreds
his throat makes a guttural sound
as he lies there hopeless and dead
explosions of colors and light (x8)
a family's burned to the wall
a nuclear bomb killed them all
their deaths were so quick with no pain
they're dead though, that fact still remains
explosions of color and light (x5)

© ZephyrAnjoyo 2010

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Poem: Blank Page, Empty Mind

a blank page, an empty mind
that is all, I guess it's fine
a lonely heart, cold as death
chills my soul, I cannot rest
a fiery hate, against myself
and yet so cold, my Love I shelf
another day, another time
I'd 'had it all', I thought I was fine
Love was warm, so was my heart
I let myself fall, I tore it apart
I tried to open, let happiness in
nothing but air, I felt empty, thin
so I filled up the hole, with thoughts of remorse
and thus set the tracks, of this self-destructive course
I don't let anybody in, and nothing out
on the outside I grin, on the inside I pout
I've shattered my soul, divided myself
I'm part of a whole, a fragment of 'self'
a piece of the puzzle, a drop from the glass
a word of the sentence, a memory long past
voices in my head, they scream, they whine
but on the outside I just smile, so simply I do say,"Yes, I'm fine."

© ZephyrAnjoyo 2010

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Poem: Blank Eternity

I can't think of what to write
haunts me all damn day and night
hesitation burns my soul
insanity won't let me go
I fear the shadows of doubt in my heart
the pencil is ready, my mind won't start
and I shudder to think what would happen to me
if this was to continue for eternity
if immortality was given me
yet my mind remained blank and free
try and try, it would never end
that is hell on earth, my friends...

© ZephyrAnjoyo 2010

Friday, July 4, 2008

Update: Music :D

As you can probably see, I decided to add a music playlist to my blog. If you don't want it there go ahead and tell me.